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Joos Atelier

Creatieve Workshops

Painting at home package 

2020-12-20-13-30-58.jpgDo you not feel like going out, but do you want to paint at home? Then order a home painting package.
What's in the package?
- A canvas of 30x24cm with a drawing on it
- An example
- Paint
- Plate
- Brush
- Cloth to dry your brush
- Sponge
- Explanation

We can make an appointment to pick up the package in my studio or I can send it.
The costs are € 17.50 each. Shipping costs are € 7.25.


If the example you would like to paint is not included, please contact me. 06 11315886 or fill in the contact form.

Joos Atelier Hurksestraat 19 5652 AH Eindhoven   06-11315886 KvK: 61647799