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Joos Atelier

Creative Workshops

Creative workshops 

IMG_20220809_104628.jpg Eight years ago I opened my studio in Eindhoven and I never imagined that it would be this much fun.

Teaching painting courses, but also Creative Workshops such as pimping bags, working with gel and making jewelry are a treat.

My name is Jolanda de Rouw and I draw and paint all my life.
I have noticed that I really enjoy sharing the knowledge and experience I have gained.

IMG_20220809_231611.jpgOver the years people have found there way to my studio.
The results don't lie and the enthusiastic reactions and happy faces at the end of the workshops are a great source of inspiration for me to continue on the chosen path.

What could be better than making your work out of your hobby?

Hurksestraat 19
5652 AH Eindhoven

06 11315886

Joos Atelier Hurksestraat 19 5652 AH Eindhoven   06-11315886 KvK: 61647799