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Joos Atelier

Creatieve Workshops

What are the costs? 

20160924_181302.pngThe prices of the workshop are per person, in Euro, all materials, coffee / tea and cake.
The workshop will always continue (unless the course leader can’t come.).

Painting package per package 25
Workshop dreamcatcher  42,50
Painting on a Tree Trunk Disc 47,50 
Wood burning in a Tree Trunk Disc 47,50 
Painting on canvas workshop 5½ hours 85
Varnish layer 15
Painting on canvas workshop 3½ hours 47,50
Varnish layer   6
Painting on canvas workshop 2½ hours 42,50 
Varnish layer   5
Serving tray 42,50 
Varnish layer   5
Pimp your Pot 42,50 
Varnish layer   5
Bags pimping 45
Painting Crockery 42,50 
Pouring Acrylic 47,50 
Varnish layer   5
Jewelry making 42,50 
Trail lesson 17,50

Click here to book
You can also reserve this workshop by calling 06 11315886 or fill in the contact form.   

Workshop on location:

Prefer a creative workshop at your home or another location?
Please contact me, 06 11315886 or fill in the contactform and we'll arrange it the way you prefer. The condition is that you are with at least 8 people.

You don't have to pay km compensation within Eindhoven.
Outside Eindhoven you pay € 0.28 per km from Hurksestraat 19, Eindhoven.


You can cancel free of charge up to 24 hours before the start of the workshop.
You pay 15% of the total price within 24 hours before the start of the workshop.


You can pay in cash, mobile banking, I can send you a fee, you can pay the amount before the start of the workshop on account number NL82 INGB 0006 6566 24. Depositing Joos Atelier or use the cash machine.

Joos Atelier Hurksestraat 19 5652 AH Eindhoven   06-11315886 KvK: 61647799