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Joos Atelier

Creatieve Workshops

Gell workshop 

2021-06-26-17-40-01.jpgIn this workshop you will be working on a round plate and 4 coasters with acrylic paint and gel.
We will go through the entire process from start to finish, you will be surprised by the end result.
This workshop has every time a 'Wow what nice' response and it is also super fun to do.

The workshop lasts about 2½ hours.
Put on clothes that may become dirty!!

In connection with the drying time you can’t immediately take your work home with you.
We agree on a date and time when this is possible.

If it’s well dried you can put a varnish over it so that you can use it without being damaged and it immediately gives back the shine. (not included in the workshop).

This is the perfect workshop to do on location. You do not have to come back special to pick up your work. It is useful if you can put your work somewhere where it can stay the drying time, a number of days can remain.

Workshop on location:

Prefer a creative workshop at your home or another location?
Please contact me, 06 11315886 or fill in the contactform and we'll arrange it the way you prefer. The condition is that you are with at least 8 people.

You don't have to pay km compensation within Eindhoven.
Outside Eindhoven you pay € 0.28 per km from Hurksestraat 19, Eindhoven.

Note: Paint may be tampered.
I take everything to stay ahead of this but no guarantee that no paint will fall.

Click here to book
You can also reserve this workshop by calling 06 11315886 or fill in the contact form.

Ons adres:
Joos Atelier
Hurksestraat 19
5652 AH Eindhoven

Kvk 61647799


Joos Atelier Hurksestraat 19 5652 AH Eindhoven   06-11315886 KvK: 61647799